
Today we are so focused on our problems and worries that we forget to look up from time to time and look around. In all this routine and continuous running after more, we forget about those around us. We forget that they, in turn, need someone or something to bring a smile back to their face. And beautiful spontaneous gestures can change someone’s day for the better and even make you happier.

But do you remember when you last made a nice gesture towards another person? With the arrival of spring when everything changes, I recommend you to change yourself, to make a nice gesture for those around you, starting today.

1. Say “thank you” more often

The simple gesture of saying “thank you” when we are offered something or given service is of special importance and can change in a second for the better, someone’s birthday.

2. Call your friends more often

Even a “virtual tea” can bring a smile back to the lips of those around you, without having to move from the comfort of your home. Take advantage of today’s technology and try to talk as much as possible, to see your friends and those who know you need a good word, encouragement, and a smile as often as possible.

3. Compliment more often

When you see someone who likes the way he is dressed and styled, even if you don’t know the person, you can stop for a second to tell him how good he looks today. And even if it seems childish to you, you will definitely change the whole day of the one next to you.

4. Give priority

Give priority to those around you, whether you’re in traffic, in line at the store, or at the entrance to a location. We are all in a hurry and we want to get home faster, but try to think that maybe those around you really have an emergency, and you would even change their day if you did a good deed today.

5. Help the elderly

When you see an old man struggling on the subway stairs or when he wants to get out of a truck with a shopping cart, go help him. Think of your parents or grandparents who also need help, and you are not always with them. Surely you would like to know that there are nice people around them who are willing to help when they need it.

6. Offer to those around you

It is said that when we offer something wholeheartedly, the Universe sends us back tenfold

My advice is to give every time you have the opportunity, to those who need it. Whether it’s a few lei for the needy, a toy for children in foster care, a smile for the elderly in nursing homes, food for those who really need it, a helping hand in a foster home, or a box of food for birds or street animals, all of which will light up the day of those who will receive these things.

7. Donate

Try to make it a monthly habit to donate a sum of money to an organization or foundation that needs support. You can do this very easily by subscribing with a recurring amount of money that is automatically transferred to your payday, without having to worry too much about it. And it doesn’t even have to be a big deal. I am convinced that each of us spends money that we cannot necessarily justify at the end of the month. But when you notice that you have managed to make such a simple gesture but so important to others, the feeling is wonderful!


Following these tips, you will notice how much joy these gestures will bring you, which, although they seem unimportant, have miraculous effects on us.







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