
Have you ever tried to do something constantly and give up everything in a short time? When you want to do something once, it is easier to mobilize, although we often postpone or find excuses not to do so. Most of the time, however, when it comes to doing an activity constantly, we find it quite difficult, especially at the beginning, until we get used to it and until that activity becomes a routine. Unfortunately, the routine in which we are caught prevents us from noticing how much what we do affects us.

In addition to the desire for change and an iron will, giving up unhealthy habits involves a number of helpful strategies in correcting the lifestyle. These have been tested by specialists and have become general guidelines for people who want a balanced and long life.

How do you manage to achieve what you set out to do? The answer is through the power of habits. As Tony Robbins puts it: “What matters is what we do constantly, not what we do from time to time.”

To remove a habit, follow these steps:

`1. It is very important to identify the Trigger and what the reward is because the brain is very skilled and can mislead you. It may seem that you are looking for a certain reward through a habit, when in fact you are looking for something else. The goal is to figure out what the real reward is behind what you thought she was.

2. Find alternatives to the false reward.

For example, instead of eating that cake, go for a walk with a friend, meditate for a few minutes, eat a corner of dark chocolate, drink fresh fruit juice, eat some fruit.

3. Give up bad habits one at a time

It is extremely difficult to make several changes at the same time, and when you suddenly decide to give up two or three bad habits at the same time, you greatly reduce your chances of success.

The best strategy is to spend as much time as possible replacing unhealthy habits. The policy of small steps has the best chance of success; In this case, start with an important change, get 100% involved in it, and move on to the next one. Without strict deadlines and without too much mental pressure to make you give up half.

4. Accept the idea that you may be wrong

Experts say that all people who try to change their lifestyle and adopt permanent positive habits, from time to time violate the rules initially imposed. Mistakes and moments of weakness are part of this important process, but they do not have to define failure.

The important thing is to be able to forgive yourself when you give in and look at every mistake constructively. It teaches you what are the elements with a negative influence and how you can reduce the side effects.

New habits can be implemented in two ways:

The first method is to eliminate an old habit and replace it with a new one.

This is a very good way to win twice: get rid of a bad habit and adopt a good one at the same time. But you have to be careful not to adopt a new habit that is still wrong.

This method is especially effective in eliminating old habits because replacing the old habit with another helps to break the old trigger-reward bond by strengthening a new bond of this kind in the new habit. The more you focus on implementing the new habit, the easier it will be for you to give up the old one and forget about it.

The second method by which you can implement new habits is to adopt a new habit without giving up an old one.

Another simple way to turn healthy habits into your second nature is to organize yourself as well as possible. Therefore, gradually give up activities that are not healthy and replace them with activities that contribute to well-being. For example, if you want to do more sports, spend less time on sedentary activities. If you want to eat healthier, it is enough to gradually give up some foods or preparations.





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